


獨家經營格蘭花格酒廠的J. & G. Grant家族滿懷歡欣地宣布,開始發售該家族所獨自擁有的175週年蒸餾瓶裝紀念酒。




這種紀念酒的套裝禮盒,以格蘭花格酒廠往昔使用的品牌標籤來做設計,其中某些標籤的使用已經延續百年以上,藉此來凸顯該酒廠的悠久歷史, 此一175週年紀念酒的酒精成分為43%,在英國境內,可以向指定的零售商購買。至於在英國以外的其他海外地區,這種限量的瓶裝紀念酒僅限於在歐洲及亞洲的市場發售。


格蘭花格酒廠的總裁John L. S. Grant表示,在一個瓶子中融入六個不同十年階段的紀念酒,乃是希望全球的消費者,能夠共同享受格蘭花格酒廠為慶祝175週年紀念,所提供獨一無二的格蘭花格紀念酒。


(Speyside, February 2011)

J. & G. Grant are pleased to announce the release of a limited edition bottling to celebrate the family owned distillery’s 175th Anniversary.

Whilst the exact date of the first distillation at Glenfarclas is lost in the mists of time, the granting of the first license in 1836 is a significant milestone in the distillery’s long history, and is considered the distillery’s formal date of establishment.

The Glenfarclas 175th Anniversary bottling is a limited edition which has been created by selecting eighteen casks, with three from each of the last six decades. This includes what was at the time of bottling, the oldest cask in the distillery’s warehouses; number  from 1952.

Amber heather honey in colour, the taste marries the heavy sherry from the 1950s and 1960s with the light fruitiness of the 1970s and 1980s, the freshness of the 1990s and the surprising maturity of the youngest casks from 2000.

The artwork for the accompanying gift tube has been created from historic Glenfarclas labels, some over 100 years old, to illustrate the long history of Glenfarclas.

 The 175th Anniversary at 43% vol. and is available from specialist whisky retailers. Overseas, bottles of this limited edition are destined for markets across Europe and Asia.

For those who wish to sample, during the Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival, which runs from the 29th April to the 2nd of May 2011, Glenfarclas will host three events which will include an opportunity to taste this historic dram.

John L. S. Grant, Chairman, commented, ‘With six decades in one glass, we hope consumers around the world will enjoy celebrating our 175th Anniversary with this unique Glenfarclas’.


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