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20119月,斯佩塞報導:作為格蘭花格酒廠175週年慶的高潮之一,96日英國皇室成員之一的約克公爵(安德魯王子)在斯佩塞當地的女郡尉克蕾兒‧盧梭(Clare Russell,斯佩塞所在地班夫郡的名譽領主)陪伴下蒞臨酒廠,而接待他的則是格蘭花格酒廠的業務總監、同時也是經營酒廠的格蘭特家族第六代傳人喬治‧格蘭特(George Grant)。
Speyside, September, 2011; To mark the 175th anniversary of the Glenfarclas distillery, the family owned distiller received a visit from His Royal Highness The Duke of York on the 6th of September 2011. His Royal Highness was accompanied by Clare Russell, Lord Lieutenant of Banffshire, and the visit was hosted by George Grant, Director of Sales, the sixth generation of the Grant family to own and manage the distillery.

 在酒廠製造經理尚恩‧佛雷瑟(Shane Fraser)的導覽下,公爵大人參觀了酒廠的製造設備,包括最新引進的發泡與發酵控制系統,並且引介公爵與廠內最老資格的員工、負責發泡桶的亞里斯特‧米勒(Alistair Miller)見面。米勒自從197211月起就開始在格蘭花格酒廠工作,見證了酒廠超過三個世代的發展歷史。為了慶賀酒廠的175週年慶,約克公爵親自將剛蒸餾完成的新酒裝填至一個紀念酒桶,這桶酒將在格蘭花格酒廠的倉庫中靜靜地擺放,直至它陳年充分適合裝瓶。雖然未來的事情很難預料,但這桶酒極有可能在2036年時開桶裝瓶,作為酒廠200週年慶時的主秀。
His Royal Highness was given a tour of the distillery by Shane Fraser, Production Manager, which included being shown the distillery’s new mashing and fermentation control system, and being introduced to the company’s longest serving employee, Alistair Miller, Mashman, who joined the company in November 1972. To mark the occasion of the visit during the distillery’s 175th anniversary year, His Royal Highness filled a commemorative cask with new spirit. The cask will be matured on site at Glenfarclas until it is ready for bottling, possibly during the distillery’s bi-centenary year in 2036.

 身為英國的國際投資貿易代表,約克公爵聆聽了酒廠銷售與行銷總監、羅伯‧蘭森(Robert Ransom)的簡報,瞭解了酒廠將產品行銷全世界超過五十個國家的現況。最後,酒廠也特別贈送了約克公爵一瓶創廠175週年紀念酒——限量裝瓶的格蘭花格總裁精選,作為整個參訪活動的完美句點。
With an interest in international trade His Royal Highness was briefed on the company’s exports to more than fifty countries worldwide, by Robert Ransom, Director of Sales and Marketing. To conclude the visit His Royal Highness was presented with a bottle of the Glenfarclas Chairman’s Reserve, a limited edition bottling released for the distillery’s 175th Anniversary.


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